Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Inquisitor de Lorme - finished?

It took me some time, but I've finally managed to put the brush away and call Mr. de Lorme 'finished'.

Well, that is not necessarily true. I already see some areas that could be improved. Moreover, I plan to put another coat of varnish on it and one can never be too confident when playing with varnishes. Since 'tis very likely that I will spend more time on this miniature in the future, if you reckon that some part should get more attention, feel free to tell me! But as for now, I think I need a break...

Sorry for the light reflections on the next picture. It seems that I've used too much varnish there. It will be corrected!

Anyway, it was not an easy miniature to paint, but I've learned very much while doing it. It is probably worth noticing that some gold details were made using a gold leaf gilding technique. Not to mention many other new techniques that I've used for the first time here.
Now, all he needs is some company. Oh, and a display wood base... Thanks for reading, cheers!


  1. He looks wonderful! The paint ties him together nicely, you would not know that it was not an official GW model! The muted tones and reds look really fit the themes of the model. I particularly like the lacquered look you achieved on the bird mask.

    I look forward to seeing what other characters you come up with to accompany him!

  2. Excellent mini, I love this kind of painting style.

    I don't reckognize many of the parts used, did you use a lot of green stuff when converting the model?

    1. Hey Jimmy!
      The legs are based on the Greatswords bit from WFB, left arm is based on the bit from Cadian Shock Troops, skull cut from some old plastic WFB Cold One. I've also used a WFB zombie bit to built the right hand. The rest is greenstuff/miliput/plasticard or the resin cast from my own sculpts. You can see the WIP pictures here http://steifermini.blogspot.com/2014/04/ecce-homo-inquisitor-de-lorme-character.html Cheers!

  3. Absolut fantastic work! The model and painting style is superb. Mr. de Lorme exudes grandeur and authority. I like his mask very much and I can't wait to see his retinue.

    1. Thanks Steve! Hopefully, his retinue will join him in the near future.

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  5. It´s beautiful mate!

    I do still think the repeated design on the tilt shields becomes a bit... well...repetetive. Just reversing the colours on one of them might suffice? Just an idea...

    Other than that minor nitpick jobs a very, very, good ´un!

    1. Hey Jeff, thanks! As I said before, I think your point is valid. It is possible that I will change it in the future, but as for now, I really need a break from this model. I was painting him so long that now I see bird masks everywhere! ;-)

  6. As I've said elsewhere, an absolutely stunning piece! Building a retinue to match won't be easy ;)

    Keep up the amazing work!

  7. Awesome looking model; great to see him painted. The reds look fantastic, particularly on his mask and painted fingernails! I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the other members of his team.

    Keep up the great work.

    1. Hey, I'm really glad that you've noticed the nails! Thanks!

  8. Fantastic model. Spot on originality from historical reference and the red white scheme works wonders.

  9. Witam,
    Od jakiegoś czasu interesuję się tzw. inq28 oraz figurkami w stylu "blanchitsu" ale dopiero teraz odkryłem tego fantastycznego inkwizytora, inne świetne figurki jak i cały blog.
    Gratuluję pięknych prac i pozdrawiam.

    1. Dzięki, bardzo miło zobaczyć tu kogoś z PL! Inq28 jest u nas chyba dość słabo znany; prawdę mówiąc nie spotkałem jeszcze nikogo, kto by w tym mocniej siedział. W razie czego zachęcam do kontaktu; służę w miarę możliwości nadmiarowymi bitzami lub wymianą rad i porad! ;-)

    2. Ja też nikogo nie znam w temacie inq28. Przyznam się że sam stawiam pierwsze kroki, trochę brakuje czasu i talentu ale pomału coś tworzę ;) Bitzów też się u mnie trochę znajdzie :)

  10. Fajnie byłoby stworzyć jakąś nawet małą sieć rodzimych zapaleńców Inq28; na terenie Warszawy mogę się spotkać bez problemu. No i zachęcam do zarejestrowania się na Ammobunker i podzieleniu się swoimi dokonaniami! Ludzie tam są bardzo pomocni i świetnie wspierają w tzw. procesie twórczym; poza tym siedzi tam kilku naprawdę dobrych modelarzy, wliczając w to samego JB. http://s3.zetaboards.com/The_Ammobunker/forum/3012278/

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Thanks for reading! I would appreciate, if you would take your time to share your thoughts and opinions via comments. Cheers!